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Big Oil – How To Get The Right Engine (Step By Step).
      Day 1: “List Of Differents Intels”

On the DAY 1 you can retrieve differents types of intels, but you have to be fast otherwise there are gonna burn them.
This are the differetns intels:


1) Airplane Keys:

This would help you escape fast once the engine is checked and it’s the right one you can escape in this airplane without waiting for the helicopter.

2) Keycard:

With this you can open one of three doors to find the server room avoiding using the drill.

3) Shutters Codes:

With this you will able to to set all the shutters in case you start an assault this will give you more cover.

4) Blueprints:

A little map of the house. In case you don’t know the map will be useful.

5) Fusion Research:

I still don’t know how exactly this works, but some people says that this help to figured out which gas the reactor uses.

Day 2: “Find The Correct Engine.”

In this day you will have to get inside the house, find the server room where could be located behind one of three doors, override the system to open laboratory door and then you have to go downstairs to the laboratory to find the correct engine.
Below are the steps to get the right engine and also “Dr. Fantastic” achievment if you don’t have it yet.


Enjoy it.

Step 1: “Type Of Gas In The Reactor.”

There are 3 types of gases that you may find: Helium (Green), Deterium (Blue) and Nitrogen (Yellow). You may find out what kind of gas is needed by finding a Note inside the house. Once you know what type of gas is needed go to the blackboard which is down in the lab there you will know what color is the reactor.





1)  Helium:


Step 2: “How Many Cables Are Connected To The Blue Tank Of Hydrogen.”

As you know each reactor has a blue tank of Hydrogen connected to it, so here is the way of knowing how many wires must be connected to this tank. Inside the house you can find a second NOTE. Once you have that note you should already know what color the tank is and now how many cables are connected to the blue tank of hydrogen.



1) In this example: “2x H”

2) In this example: “3x H”

3) In this example: “H”
(Image will be upload soon).

Step 3: “Find The PSI Pressure.”

The last step is to find how much PSI those the reactor meter have and this is the way to find out. In the laboratory there are several computers one of them has a PSI Number, you MUST calculate the amount ofPSI you should have in the reactor meter by using the follow equation:
(X / 10) x 0.7 = BAR amount


PSI Number on the computer, Example, Calculation & Explanation:

The correct pressure on our engine meter (by using the example above):

Note: Psi number could be different sometimes also the symbols of bigger, bigger or equal, smaller and smaller or equal too.

  • 1) Find the first note and see what color the reactor is.
  • 2) Find the second note and know how many wires are connected to the blue hydrogen tank from the connected reactor.
  • 3) Calculate the amount of PSI and find this result in our reactor meter.

The correct fusion reactor is the one with the correct gas tank color, correct number of nozzles connected to the large blue hydrogen tank, and the correct pressure reading on the gauge.

Important & Helpful Stuff

Sometimes some notes may not spawn or lab computers can be shutdown, but stay calm, we can still
find out which is the correct reactor and finish the mission.


These are the possible alternatives:
  • 1) If the note in step 1 appears, the note in step 2 also and computers are off, just look for the color of reactor and the number of cables connected to the blue hydrogen tank. Since there will be no two alike.
  • 2) If the note in step 1 appears, the note in step 2 does not appear, but the computers are ON, then only seek the correct color of the reactor and the amount of PSI which must have the meter in the reactor.
  • 3) If the note in step 1 doesnt appear, and Note 2 appears and computers are ON, just look at the reactors with amount of cable that note 2 shows and the amount of PSI you should have in the meter in the reactor.
Alternative Escape.

If you get the Airplane Keys (mentioned on Day 1: “List Of Differents Intels”). You will not have to wait to helicopter. You will be able to escape, once the engine is checked and is the right one, on the airplane that is at the start of the Day 2.


Alternative Escape:

Category: Game articles | Added by: Ex(3S$ (2014-09-10)
Views: 439 | Rating: 0.0/0
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