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(OLD)ExHud v.1.2
2014-09-09, 14:18

(OLD)ExHud v.1.2

Exhud  on Steam

ExHud v.1.2

Exhud is the HUD for PAYDAY 2 includes HoxHud plus PocoHud. 
ExHud not contain any file malition as HoxHud 
Last PD2Hook ExHud use (V3) 
ExHud includes: 
-DLC Unlocker 
-TOGGLE INTERACT (Interaction Requires no longer holding down the key) 
-Press ONCE UP TO MASK (Interaction Requires no longer holding the key down, press your key mask only once to put it on) 
-SKIP DROP IN PAUSE (Removes the loading pause When someone joins) 
-PRORITY VOTES IN preplanning 
...(and more)

To Install select your PAYDAY 2 game folder.


(chat info of stats)

(No sound and long number text)

(new style of skill tree+hud infobox)

(info in chat and message for your state)

(Number of hit enemy damage+ skull)

(2x Health and skill icon time used)

 (Indicator for extra bags)

The Exhud have indicator in minute for drill and info message in chat

Category: Mods | Added by: Ex(3S$
Views: 681 | Downloads: 88 | Rating: 0.0/0
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